"And Your Future will be determined on Your Past Deeds, As you Sow, So shall you Reap"

                                                                                                                                --Guru Nanak Dev Ji

The Sikhi was founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in 1469 (15th Century). It was originated in Panjab area of South Asia, which today fall in the areas of India and Pakistan. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in the year 1469 in a village named Talwandi (Panjab). The village is now known as NANKANA SAHIB, presently in Lahore, Pakistan. Guru Nanak Dev ji's father, Mehta Kalu Ji was a village accountant and his mother Mata Tripta Devi Ji was a simple and a religious woman. He aslso had an elder sister Bebe Nanki Ji. 


The day Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born, there was an extraordinary light in the room. His parents were told that you have been blessed with a divine form of God. They were also told that he will rule the world and will always follow the religion of truth. 

From his early childhood, he was very knowledgeable. He was different from other kids as he liked those people who talked about God, Life and Death. He never let any person to stay thirsty or hungry. At the age of 6, he was sent to Pandit Gopal Das to study. Pandit Gopal Das was an expert in the Punjabi, Hindi and Sanskrit language. Guru Nanak Dev Ji mastered himself in these languages at a very young age. 

One day, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was writing something in his strip. When for sometime Guru Nanak Dev ji did not go to Pandit Gopal Das to show his strip, Pandit Gopal Das on his own went to Guru Nanak Dev ji to look what he was upto. After looking his strip, Pandit Gopal Das was surprised as there was alot written on that strip including the 35 Akshari. After getting mastered in Punjabi, Hindi and Sanskrit, he went to a Persian teacher to learn Persian Language. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji is being taught by Pandit Gopal Das

At the age of 9, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was advised to wear a Janeu, a sacred thread of Hindu. All the family members, relatives and neighbours assembled at Guru Nanak Dev Ji's house for the Janeu wearing ceremony. When all the preliminary rites were performed by Pandit Hardial, the family priest, he proceeded further to put the thread in Guru Nanak Dev Ji's neck. at that very moment, Guru Nanak Dev Ji caught his hand and asked him further about the advantage of wearing a  Janeu. The Pandit then told that this thread is the basis of Hindu Religion, that without the Janeu the person will only be a Sudar i.e., the working class and the lowest of all.Guru Nanak Dev Ji refused to wear the Janeu to this he added that he wanted to wear a thread of virtues and not a thread of cotton. He also told that God is always in our hearts, a thread cannot help us to remember God. To this reply, every member attending the ceremony were left awe-struck. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Janeu Ceremony 

In the year 1487, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was married to Mata Sulakhni Ji, and they had two sons Sri Chand and Lakhmi Das. The family, accompanied by Bhai Mardana, a Muslim childhood friend of Guru Nanak Dev ji, then moved to the town of Sultanpuri Lodhi, where Guru Ji took the job of an accountant in charge of the stores of the local Governor. Here, Guru Nanak Ji worked during the days, but during the early mornings and late nights, he meditated and sang hymns accompanied by Bhai Mardana on the Rabab (a stringed instrument). (Source:

                                             Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana Ji                                                  

During one of those early mornings while bathing in “Vain Nadi” (a small river), Guru Nanak Ji heard God's call to dedicate himself completely to the service of humanity. The very first sentence which he uttered then was, "There is no Hindu, no Musalman (Muslim)". Stating that he had been taken to the God's court and given a divine mission, Guru Nanak Ji then began the next stage of his life, to preach his unique doctrine (Sikhi) to the entire world. (Source:


Every individual always has a question that "Is Hinduisms originated from Sikhism or is Sikhism originated from Hinduism? 

Sikhi did not manifest in a single day, but took a several generations. The founder of Sikh religion, Guru Nanak Dev Ji traveled all over India and were deeply influenced by the Bhakti and Sufi movements. Guru Nanak Dev Ji played a crucial role in Bhakti and Sufi Movements. He contributed his religious philosophy and discarded retrograde elements like selfishness, hypocrisy, falsehood and violence in the Hinduism and Islam 

The Sikh Religion is based on truths, devotion and equality. The hymns and shabads inscribed in Guru Granth Sahib Ji are a combination of the Sikh, Non-Sikh and the Muslims Hymns. 

In the Sikh Religion, it is said that an individual can be in God's grace through love, devotion and purity of soul. In the Hindu Religion, people worship the statues of God but in the Sikh religion, people worship their Holy Book Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. 

So, it can be said that Sikhi is a combination of religions. Every religion has its own beliefs and culture. Just the mindset of the people has made it difficult for them to understand the equality of religion. 


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